2024年09期 29
[513-517] 血管内止血带的命名及其在战创血管伤救治中的创新应用 [马廉亭,谢天浩,徐峰,徐召溪,黄河,秦杰,赵曰圆,安学锋,马生辉]
Nomenclature and innovative applications of intravascular tourniquets in the treatment of vascular injuries resulting from combat or trauma [MA Lian-ting1, XIE Tian-hao1, XU Feng2, Xu Zhao-xi1, HUANG He1, QIN Jie1, ZHAO Yue-yuan1, AN Xue-feng1, MA Sheng-hui1]
[522-526531] 椎动脉V4段夹层动脉瘤的个体化治疗 [徐军,李海校,毛崇丹,吕成林,徐宝占,崔玉光,丰育功]
Individualized therapy for patients with dissecting aneurysms of the V4 segment of the vertebral artery [XU Jun1, LI Hai-xiao1, MAO Chong-dan1, Lü Cheng-lin1, XU Bao-zhan1, CUI Yu-guang1, FENG Yu-gong2]
[527-531] 高压氧联合阿司匹林治疗成人缺血型脑底异常血管网症相关性头痛的疗效 [王愚,殷振生,鲁涛,陈阳,郇林春,刘于海,宫健,李冰]
Efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen treatment combined with aspirin in adult ischemic moyamoya disease-related headache [WANG Yu1, YIN Zhen-sheng1, LU Tao2, CHEN Yang3, HUAN Lin-chun3, LIU Yu-hai3, GONG Jian4, LI Bing3]
[532-536540] 动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血术后1年预后预测模型的构建和验证 [邵世珂,朱贤龙,董文胜,尹鹏,陈德顺,樊拥军,仲崇佩]
Construction and validation of a prognostic model for one-year outcomes of patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage after surgery [SHAO Shi-ke, ZHU Xian-long, DONG Wen-sheng, YIN Peng, CHEN De-shun, FAN Yong-jun, ZHONG Chong-pei]
[556-560] 磁共振弥散成像技术在难治性癫痫手术治疗中的应用 [黄雨达,曹航,王凝瑞,魏鹏虎,单永治,赵国光]
Application of magnetic resonance diffusion imaging in the surgical management for drug-resistant epilepsy [HUANG Yu-da1, CAO Hang1, WANG Ning-rui1,2, WEI Peng-hu1, SHAN Yong-zhi, ZHAO Guo-guang1]
[561-564569] 难治性精神分裂症的外科治疗进展 [姜志锋,许建强,孙永东,王黎华,刘辉]
Progress of surgical treatment for refractory schizophrenia [JIANG Zhi-feng1,2, XU Jian-qiang2, SUN Yong-dong2, WANG Li-hua2, LIU Hui2]