 LIU Xian-bo,LAI Dan,LI Luo,et al.Application of Mimics software to 3D reconstruction in the optimization design of titanium mesh for cranioplasty[J].,2024,29(04):222-226.[doi:10.13798/j.issn.1009-153X.2024.04.007]





Application of Mimics software to 3D reconstruction in the optimization design of titanium mesh for cranioplasty
LIU Xian-bo LAI Dan LI Luo HU Bin MAO Yun-fei PENG Cheng-fu
Department of Neurosurgery, Pingxiang People's Hospital, Pingxiang 337055, China
Skull defect Cranioplasty Titanium Mesh shape Optimized design Mimics software 3D reconstruction
R 651.1+1
目的 探讨应用Mimics软件三维重建技术进行钛网形态优化设计在颅骨成形术中的应用效果。方法 2017年5月至2022年5月前瞻性进行颅骨成形术60例,其中30例应用Mimics软件三维重建技术进行钛网形态优化设计(优化组),30例应用常规设计的钛网(对照组)。结果 与对照组比较,优化组手术切口供血良好率明显增高(80.0% vs. 53.3%;P=0.028),术后切口甲级愈合率明显增高(70.0% vs. 40.0%;P=0.020),术后拆线时间明显缩短[(7.07±0.95)d vs. (7.83±1.12)d;P=0.006],术后大量硬膜外积液发生率明显降低(10.0% vs. 36.7%;P=0.015)。优化组术后无颅内出血、钛网外露情况。结论 应用Mimics软件三维重建技术对钛网形态进行优化设计,可有效降低颅骨成形术中切口缝合的张力,术后切口供血和愈合更佳,缩短术后拆线时间,降低大量硬膜外积液的发生率,有效减少颅内出血和钛网外露。
Objective To investigate the application efficacy of the three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of Mimics software for the shape optimization design of titanium meshes in cranioplasty. Methods A total of 60 cases undergoing cranioplasty were prospectively conducted from May 2017 to May 2022. Among them, 30 cases underwent the shape optimization design of titanium meshes using the 3D reconstruction of Mimics software (optimization group), while 30 cases were treated with conventionally designed titanium meshes (control group). Results In comparison with the control group, the rate of satisfactory blood supply to the surgical incision in the optimization group was significantly elevated (80.0% vs. 53.3%; P=0.028), the rate of grade A healing of the postoperative incision was significantly augmented (70.0% vs. 40.0%; P=0.020), the postoperative suture removal time was significantly shortened [(7.07±0.95) d vs. (7.83±1.12) d; P=0.006], and the incidence of substantial epidural effusion after the surgery was significantly reduced (10.0% vs. 36.7%; P=0.015). No intracranial hemorrhage or titanium mesh exposure was observed in the optimization group after the operation. Conclusions The application of the 3D reconstruction of Mimics software for the shape optimization design of titanium meshes can effectively alleviate the tension of incision suture during cranioplasty, enhance the blood supply and healing of the incision after operation, shorten the postoperative suture removal time, decrease the incidence of significant epidural effusion, and effectively minimize the occurrence of intracranial hemorrhage and titanium mesh exposure.


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(2022-11-14收稿,2023-11-20修回) 基金项目:江西省卫生健康委科技计划项目(202311690);萍乡市卫生健康委科技计划项目(2021PY055) 通信作者:赖 丹,Email:liusy-xb@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-04-30