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Change in the STA hymodynamics monitored by color Doppler ultrasound before and after STA-MCA anastomosis in patients with Moyamoya disease
杨允东 李永强
作者单位:262500 山东,青州市人民医院神经外科
YANG Yun-dong LI Yong-qiang.
Department of Neurosurgery, Qingzhou Municipal People’s Hospital, Qingzhou 262500, China
Moyamoya disease Color Doppler ultrasound STA-MCA anastomosis Hemodynamics
R 743.9; R 651.1+2
目的 探讨多普勒超声血流动力学监测在评定烟雾病STA-MCA吻合术后疗效中的价值。方法 回顾性分析22例行STA-MCA吻合术治疗的烟雾病的临床资料。术前、术后3个月进行STA多普勒频超声检查,并测量收缩期峰值血流速度(PSV)、舒张末期血流速度(EDV)、平均血流速度(Vm),计算搏动指数(PI)=(PSV-EDV)/Vm,阻力指数(RI)=(PSV-EDV)/PSV;并与DSA分级结果进行对比。结果 22例共进行40侧STA-MCA吻合术,术后复查DSA显示,分级良好为33侧(82.5%),分级不良为7侧(27.5%)。DSA分级供血良好组术后STA血流速度明显高于术前,以EDV和Vm增幅最大(P<0.05),而PI明显低于不良组(P<0.01)。DSA分级为不良组术后STA血流速度明显低于术前,以PSV和PI显著降低(P<0.05),EDV、Vm和RI无显著变化。术前与术后EDV比值(rs=0.453;P<0.001)、术后PI(rs=0.512;P<0.001)与术后DSA分级显著相关。结论 多普勒超声检测STA-MCA吻合术后STA的血流变化,与DSA有较好的一致性,可以作为一个间接观察烟雾病STA-MCA吻合术后脑供血改善程度的指标。
Objective To explore the value of the change in the superficial temporal artery (STA) hemodynamics monitored by color Doppler ultrasound to the evaluation of the curative effect of STA-middle cerebral artery (MCA) anastomosis on moyamoya disease. Methods The changes in the STA hemodynamics were monitored by color Doppler ultrasound in the 22 patients with moyamoya disease before and 3 months after STA-MCA bypass surgery. The outcomes of STA hemodynamics determined by color Doppler ultrasound were compared with outcomes of DSA 3 months after the surgery. Results DSA 3 months after the surgery showed that there was good supply of blood for brain tissues in 18 patients (good group) and poor in 4 (poor group). The values of end-diastolic blood flow velocity (EDV) and mean velocity (Vm) of STA were signi?cantly higher and pulse index (PI) of STA was significantly lower in the good group than those in the poor group 3 months after the surgery (P<0.05). The values of peak systolic velocity and PI of STA decreased signi?cantly after surgery compared to the preoperation in the poor group (P<0.05). Conclusions The changes in STA blood flow detected by color Doppler ultrasound were consistent with the outcomes detected by DSA after STA-MCA anastomosis and can be used as an indirect indicator of the degree of improvement of cerebral blood flow after STA-MCA anastomosis in the patients with moyamoya disease.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-07-25