[1]袁英淇 闫润芝 范益民等.IFI 30、PD-L1在人脑胶质瘤中的表达及与病人预后的关系[J].中国临床神经外科杂志,2021,26(11):835-838.[doi:10.13798/j.issn.1009-153X.2021.11.006]
 YUAN Ying-qi,YAN Run-zhi,FAN Yi-min.Expression changes of IFI 30 and PD-L1 in human glioma tissues and their relationship with glioma patients’ prognoses[J].,2021,26(11):835-838.[doi:10.13798/j.issn.1009-153X.2021.11.006]

IFI 30、PD-L1在人脑胶质瘤中的表达及与病人预后的关系()




Expression changes of IFI 30 and PD-L1 in human glioma tissues and their relationship with glioma patients’ prognoses
袁英淇 闫润芝 范益民等
030001 太原,山西医科大学第一临床医学院神经外科(袁英淇);030001 太原,山西医科大学第一医院神经外科(闫润芝、范益民)
YUAN Ying-qi YAN Run-zhi FAN Yi-min
1. Department of Neurosurgery, The First Clinical Medical College of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China; 2. Department of Neurosurgery, The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China
Glioma Interferon induced protein 30 Programmed death-ligand 1 Prognosis Gene expression
R 739.41; Q 786
目的 探讨γ干扰素诱导蛋白30(IFI 30)、程序性死亡因子配体1(PD-L1)在人脑胶质瘤中的表达及与病人预后的关系。方法 选择2015年5月~2019年5月手术切除的103例人脑胶质瘤组织和瘤旁组织,采用免疫组织化学染色检测IFI 30、PD-L1表达情况。随访24个月,记录无进展生存期和总生存期。结果 胶质瘤组织IFI 30、PD-L1高表达率[分别为70.87%(73/103)、68.93%(71/103)]明显高于瘤旁组织[分别为19.42%(20/103)、21.36%(22/103);P<0.001]。胶质瘤组织IFI 30表达水平与PD-L1表达水平呈明显正相关(r=0.583,P<0.05)。随访24个月,生存75例,死亡28例;多因素logistic回归分析显示,IFI 30高表达、PD-L1高表达是增加病人死亡风险的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。生存曲线分析显示,IFI 30高表达组2年累积生存率(64.52%)和2年累积无进展生存率(65.56%)均明显低于低表达组(分别为82.25%、89.45%;P<0.05)。PD-L1高表达组2年累积生存率(61.78%)和2年累积无进展生存率(60.14%)均明显低于低表达组(分别为88.52%、79.86%;P<0.05)。结论 人脑胶质瘤组织IFI 30、PD-L1呈高表达,与病人不良预后密切相关。
Objective To investigate the expression changes of interferon induced protein 30 (IFI 30) and programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) in human glioma tissues and their relationship with glioma patients’ prognoses. Methods The expression levels of IFI 30 and PDL-1 were detected in the human glioma tissues and the tissues adjacent to glioma obtained from 103 glioma patients who underwent mirocurgery from May 2015 to may 2019 by immunohistochemical staining. All the patients were followed up for 2 years and the progress-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were recorded. Results The high expression rates of IFI 30 and PD-L1 in glioma tissues [70.87%(73/103) and 68.93%(71/103), respectively] were significantly higher than those in the tissues adjacent to glioma [19.42%(20/103) and 21.36%(22/103), respectively; P<0.001]. The expression level of IFI 30 was significantly correlated with the expression level of PD-L1 in glioma tissues (r=0.583; P<0.05). Of 103 glioma patients, 75 patients survived and 28 died at the last follow up. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that high expression of IFI 30 and high expression of PD-L1 were independent risk factors for poor prognoses of glioma patients (P<0.05). Survival curve analysis showed that the 2-year cumulative survival rate (64.52%) and 2-year cumulative progression-free survival (PFS) rate (65.56%) of the IFI 30 high expression group were significantly lower than those (82.25% and 89.45%, respectively) of the low expression group (P<0.05 ); the 2-year cumulative survival rate (61.78%) and 2-year cumulative progression-free survival rate (60.14%) of the PD-L1 high expression group were significantly lower than those (88.52%, 79.86%, respectively) of the low expression group (P<0.05). Conclusions IFI 30 and PD-L1 are up-regulated in human glioma which are closely related to the poor prognoses of the glioma patients.


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