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Relationship between intracranial pressure and area of bone flap after imitating craniectomy in adult skull model
秦海林 秦 汉 安学锋
430070 武汉,中国人民解放军武汉总医院神经外科(秦海林、秦 汉、安学锋)
QIN Hai-lin QIN Han AN Xue-feng.
Department of Neurosurgery, Wuhan General Hospital, PLA, Wuhan 430070, China
Decompressive craniectomy Intracranial pressure Frontotemporoparietl bone flap area Relationship
R 651.1+1
目的 了解去骨瓣减压术对颅内压及颅腔顺应性的影响。方法 以正常成年男性尸头颅数据制作一个密闭颅腔模型及颅内压研究模型,按骨瓣位置、初始颅内压及骨瓣面积分组,测定模拟去骨瓣减压术前后压力,分析骨瓣面积与降压效果的关系。结果 颅内压升高至30 mmHg以上,随着骨瓣面积增大可逐渐降至基础压力,降压效果与骨瓣面积呈正相关(r=0.99,95% CI 0.98~0.99;P<0.001)。两者线性回归方程为y=81.07+0.79b(y为代偿容积,b为骨瓣面积),截距a 95% CI:77.78~84.36(P<0.001),回归系数b 95% CI 0.73~0.85(P<0.001);决定系数R2=0.99。结论 去骨瓣减压术能迅速有效降低颅内压,降压效果与骨瓣面积正相关。
Objective To understand the impact of size of bone flap of frontotemporoparietl craniectomy on intracranial pressure (ICP) and cranial cavity compliance. Methods The closed cranial cavity models were made based on the data of cadaveric heads of normal adult men. The craniectomy was imitated on the models. ICP was measured before and after the different areas of frontotemporoparietl bone flaps removed by the craniectomy. The relationship of the removed flap area with ICP was analyzed. Results When ICP increases to over 30 mmHg, ICP will gradually drop to baseline pressure with the bone flap area increases. The antihypertensive effect was positively related with the bone flap area (r=0.99, 95% CI 0.98~1.00; P<0.001). The linearity regress equation was y=81.07+0.79 b (y: compensatory volume and b: bone flap area). 95% CI: the intercept a was 77.78~84.36 (P<0.001), the regression coefficient b was 0.73~0.85 (P<0.001), and the determination coefficient was R2=0.99. Conclusions Bone flap removal can rapidly decrease ICP. The antihypertensive effect is positively related with removed frontotemporoparietl bone flap area.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-11-20